Saturday, May 06, 2006

i saw her blog, n she said her name wasnt included,she told mi she wanted to go heaven the other day,she said she was tired.but i couldnt help silently mockin a little,but the pang was still there.let me 'splain.she said she wanted to go heaven tat day,i said no.she insisted she was tired of her life,i was still puttin down mi leg,n sayin,"NO!"after dismissal, the same routine, we waited for the gals n then went to the bball court.lots of people were gathered ther, n her face went from lifeless to happy,pure joy.i saw the whole thing,she went with sonya n the rest,n she was so happy.the pang hit mi n i was tinkin,she wasnt ready to go heaven..yet.she didnt noe how luckky she was,n yet she wanted to go could she tink liddat?then another pang hit mi,i tried to push it away,but it kept nawin mi,were mi n sherri n gang counted as her frens?true ones?it seemed to mi tat time we were not the ones tat brought her joy,we were onli the ones tat brought her pain,the ones tat made her FORGOTTEN.i felt like screamin ttat day.WAT WAS SHE TALKIN ABOUT?is she the one always left out?was she?she was always the leader,even if she fought with other ppl, they still want her bacc, although they dun show it.she is such a silli girl.yeah rite,she isnt readdi for heaven, she had so much joy down on earth.she was always the leader,even sonya likes her alot!SO WAT IS SHE TALKIN ABOUT?she wasnt tired,she wasnt.she still had so much joy,fres\ns, wat was she talkin about.silli girl.SILI SILLI SILLI SILLI!CANT SHE SEE HOW LUCKI SHE IS?n about her name not inside th e book, WAT WAS SHE TALKIN ABOUT?she had her own band,locker 7.we havent forgotten her.we werent inclllllllluded inside locker 7, so wat is she talkin?????how can she feel lidat,she has her own BAND,so why does she still wwanna cum into ours.WAT DOES SHE WANT?she cant b in both band.n bsides also,'Punk'd' hasnt been realli formed, SO WAT DOES SHE WANT?why does she want to go this go that,n if she is not included,she says she's forgotten.WAT IS SHE TALKIN ABOUT.GIRL, WAKE UP!i tried not to care when u n ur gang formed locker 7,so why do u tink u r forgotten?u hav ur own band,U HAVE EIGHT MEMBERS!"punk'd' hasnt been evn formed yet.WAKE UP!WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP!u all have fun in ur band,i try not to care,so why r you soo sad,U HAV FUN!i feel left out,but im happi for ur band,SO WAT IS RONG???????????????????????????????WHY DO U STIIL FEEL LEFT OUT????they lurve u!they realli do,so how can u b left outttttt?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????we still like u as our fren :)) so stop feelin so sadddddddddddddd,sighsssssssssssssssssssss


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